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Introduction to the Data Protection Act 1998

Date: Thursday, 1 December 2016

Time: 11.00am to 12.00pm

Venue: Webinar hosted on the GoToWebinar platform

Cost: £25 per person (includes slide presentation in electronic format)




Data Protection enjoys an increasing public profile and features regularly in the media, with organisations of all sizes in all sectors being “named and shamed” for embarrassing data security breaches. 


In most cases, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the regulator for data protection in the UK, has highlighted that the impact of breaches could be minimised or breaches avoided altogether if organisations provided appropriate training and guidance for their staff.  Simple tips, such as advising staff to double check postal or e-mail addresses on letters or e-mails, can be enough to spare the organisation the wrath – in the form of a fine of up to £500,000 – of an increasingly trigger-happy ICO.


Moreover, with the most significant overhaul of Data Protection law, the EU General Data Protection Regulation, coming to the UK in less than 18 months, now is the time for organisations to audit their compliance with the existing law, the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).  If organisations do not meet the requirements of the DPA, then the higher standards contained within the Regulation will present an insurmountable compliance challenge. 


Daradjeet Jagpal of Information Law Solutions, an independent legal consultancy specialising in delivering advisory, audit and training services to the private, public and third sectors in Data Protection, Access to Information and Direct Marketing laws, will provide participants with an overview of the DPA and outline:


  • the difference between personal data and sensitive personal data;

  • the types of records covered by the DPA;

  • the difference between data controllers and data processors;

  • the eight data protection principles;

  • fair and lawful processing under the first data protection principle;

  • data subject rights under the sixth data protection principle, including the right of subject access;

  • data security under the seventh data protection principle;

  • DPA exemptions;

  • the ICO enforcement powers;

  • notification of data processing activities to the ICO;

  • DPA offences;

  • the future EU General Data Protection Regulation; and

  • practical tips and guidance on effective risk management.


No previous DPA knowledge is required and the webinar is suitable for anyone who is interested in Data Protection, regardless of their role, level of skill or experience.  The webinar can also be used by organisations as part of their new employee induction process.  To assist with this, the webinar will be delivered frequently and will be updated to incorporate the latest developments in this fast-moving area. 


The live webinar will provide participants with an opportunity to ask Daradjeet questions in writing using the GoToWebinar questions pane.  Questions will be responded to by follow-up e-mail and an electronic copy of the slide presentation will also be made available to participants after the webinar.


The webinar is hosted on the GoToWebinar platform.  Participants can attend at their desks via the GoToWebinar desktop app, through their Internet browser software by clicking on the provided web address or on the move by installing the GoToWebinar mobile app on their devices. 


Participants are responsible for ensuring that their devices meet the technical requirements to join and view the webinar.


Participants will be issued with an electronic certificate confirming attendance at the webinar for their training records.


If you would like to attend this webinar, please either


send an e-mail to:




phone us on: 

07852 905 779 


and we will send you booking information



272 Bath Street


G2 4JR


Tel: 07852 905 779




Open Monday to Friday

8.00am to 6.00pm

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Information Law Solutions Limited is a company incorporated in Scotland with registered number SC543438 and having its registered office at 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR

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