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Data Protection Essentials for Law Firms

Dates: Thursday, 12 October 2017

Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm

Location: Glasgow

Cost: £175 per person 


The New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is only 9 months away and law firms must ensure that they are GDPR compliant by 25 May 2018. 


Information Law Solutions, a legal consultancy delivering specialist Data Protection advisory services to law firms, is hosting a ‘Data Protection Essentials for Law Firms’ training course, which looks at the current and future data protection landscape as it applies to your legal practice, including:


  • Why data protection is a ‘must’ for your law firm: recent Information Commissioner enforcement action against law firms, top data security incidents arising in the legal profession and the risks of using paper files and portable storage media.


  • What the Law Society of Scotland’s practice rules and standards of conduct relevant to data protection and new ‘Cybersecurity Guide’ and ‘Cloud Computing – Advice for the Profession’ mean for your law firm.


  • Key data protection issues and challenges for your law firm: use of technology within the modern legal practice, remote / mobile working, data security, cloud document management systems, employee use of social media, the law firm HR function, data protection offences, IT hardware refresh and handling ransomware attacks.


  • GDPR and the future of data protection in legal practice: the need for new client terms of service, improved data security, staff training, regular compliance audits, engagement with service providers, accountability and policy framework and the role of the law firm data protection officer.


  • Effective data protection risk management in legal practice from financial, reputational and security perspectives.


The course qualifies for 6 hours’ CPD and will be delivered at the 5-star Radisson Blu hotel within Glasgow city centre.  The hotel is located a few short steps away from Glasgow Central Railway Station and around 10 minutes’ walk from Glasgow Queen Street Railway Station.

If you would like to attend this event, please either


send an e-mail to:




phone us on: 

07852 905 779 

and we will send you booking information

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