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Data Protection Essentials for Human Resources

Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm

Location: Glasgow

Cost: £150 per person (includes slide presentation in electronic format)




Organisations hold considerable personal data on their employees, including sensitive personal data relating to, for example, health and criminal convictions.  While the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) does not contain specific provisions that apply in the employment context, all the DPA’s principles are relevant to the handling, use, retention and disclosure of employee personal data. 


Data Protection will be high on the agenda of most organisations now, particularly given the impending new General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation), which comes into force in May 2018, and brings with it the most significant overhaul of Data Protection law in over 25 years.


In preparation for the Regulation, the need for organisations to undertake an audit of their DPA compliance and identify areas for improvement from the point of view of employee personal data cannot be overestimated.  Failure to act now could lead to fines being issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office under the Regulation.  Employees could also rely on their new and enhanced rights under the Regulation to take action against organisations, including the right to sue for compensation, if the Regulation is not complied with. 


Daradjeet Jagpal, Legal Consultant and Director of Information Law Solutions, an independent legal consultancy specialising in delivering advisory, audit and training services in Data Protection and Access to Information laws, will take participants through the key Data Protection issues arising in relation to the handling and use of employee personal data and outline the practical and cost effective steps they can take to comply with the law.
This interactive event includes an overview of the DPA and will equip participants with the essential knowledge and toolkit to manage their compliance risk and meet legal requirements when:

  • collecting, using and retaining applicant personal data as part of the recruitment and selection process by preparing compliant Data Protection statements;

  • obtaining and providing applicant and employee references, respectively;

  • engaging in applicant verification and vetting;

  • creating, maintaining and retaining employee records, health records and sickness and injury records;

  • managing internal access to employee personal data and physical and technological data security of employee records within the organisation;

  • preventing and managing data security breach incidents involving employee personal data;

  • disclosing employee personal data;

  • TUPE transfers and employee personal data;

  • engaging in employee e-mail, telephone and CCTV monitoring and tracking;

  • undertaking employee drug and alcohol testing;

  • handling requests involving exercise of employees’ Data Protection rights;

  • managing employee bring your own device (BYOD) use and remote and mobile working (including employee use of cloud computing);

  • implementing an internal Data Protection policy and monitoring compliance;

  • regulating employee use of social media; and

  • starting to prepare for the Regulation from an employee records perspective.


The event will include case studies for discussion by participants, with useful practical tips and guidance and pitfalls to avoid.
No previous Data Protection knowledge is assumed and the event is suitable for human resources directors, managers, officers, assistants and administrators, together with those who handle employee records or are otherwise involved in the recruitment and selection of employees and disciplinary matters.  The event is also suitable for human resources consultants and in-house legal professionals advising on employment law.
The cost of the event includes tea and coffee on arrival and break times, networking lunch and the slide presentation in electronic format by follow-up e-mail after the event.
Participants will be issued with an electronic certificate confirming attendance at the event for their training records (6 hours’ verifiable CPD).


If you would like to attend this event, please either


send an e-mail to:




phone us on: 

07852 905 779 


and we will send you booking information



272 Bath Street


G2 4JR


Tel: 07852 905 779




Open Monday to Friday

8.00am to 6.00pm

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Information Law Solutions Limited is a company incorporated in Scotland with registered number SC543438 and having its registered office at 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR

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